Part art installation, part architecture, ‘Nebula Shroom Grove’ was inspired by a common Colombian expression Rueda often heard growing up—that “to be lonely is to be like a mushroom.”
It’s a topic with particular resonance for the three Colombian women who make up the Understory Collective. “For our team, it has been moving out of the country, coming out of the closet, being a mother for the first time— loneliness comes in every shape and form,” Rueda says.
The team wanted to address this often unvoiced loneliness and create a sculpture that gathered people together to speak about these issues. Solitary beings that are deeply connected beneath the surface, mushrooms were the perfect symbol to start the conversation.
“We started with a mushroom, and then we gave the mushroom company, clustering all of our mushrooms together,” says Rueda. “That’s how we created a forest of mushrooms that have different sizes and scales and that illuminate at night.”